Monday, April 12, 2010

Raw food experimentation station

Well, the more I've been reading, the more I've been excited to incorporate more raw foods into my diet. I'm a little surprised, and definitely still figuring it out, but I've been eating only raw foods for 2 days and feel great :) My attitude is positive, my body feels light, and I just feel good! So, logistics (because that had me stumped for a while), I eat a monster serving of oat groats soaked overnight and blended mixed with fruit and nut milk for breakfast, a green smoothie (the equivalent of a giant green salad with fruit and flax all over it) for snack, another monster snack of salsa or avocado and marinated mushrooms, and another green smoothie for dinner and I feel great. Toss in a handful of nuts or dates or whatnot and I'm feeling awesome! Who knows how traveling will go, but for now it's working for me :)

Anyway, just had a minute to update with something and thought I'd update with that :) And, Austin and Gabe both love the smoothies. Austin was chugging a beet green/banana/mango/flax shake yesterday. hehe...try getting him to eat that regular-style!

Other combos I've had the last few days:
strawberry malt (strawberries, cashews, carob, coconut oil)
banana/blueberry/spinach/coconut oil

I LOVE drinking my greens. My new motto is if you like applesauce, there is a green smoothie that's delish.


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