Monday, October 8, 2007

Austin gets a bath...

Now, Austin actually gets a bath regularly however this bath was special. Pete gave Austin a bath, and it was so cool. Usually, he plays in the tub (aka...bottom of a storage bin) and he plays until he's done, then gets out and fusses until he's dressed, plays a little more then it's time for bed.

Pete knows what's up. He's going to give Austin his bath tonight so he gets the lights on, cranks up Eric Clapton on our little portable CD player and after 5 minutes or so, Pete calls me in to see something. There is Austin, standing in the tub naked as a jaybird with his tiny belly pooched out. Clapton fills the air, reverberating off the stone walls. His little head is completely resting in the palm of Pete's hand, perfectly balancing the rest of his body, his arms dangling limp at his side. He has this distant, glazed look in his eyes staring peacefully into thin air as Pete dips a washcloth in the warm water, holds it up and lets it warm his little body... down the little creases in his neck, across his tiny shoulders and back and legs...and it's as though he's so completely in that moment...he's not moving but you can see him feeling the water, hearing the trickle as it makes it back to the tub, the music, being with Dad, being warm...just being...

After his bath, he snuggled into his towel and laid his little head down on my shoulder. I slipped him back into Pete's arms, turned the lights down and he swayed in Pete's arms, listening to Clapton, until he fell into a deep sleep.

This picture was taken after his head had come up but he was still absorbing the moment. I have to write this knowing I don't think I'll ever forget...I can't take that chance though...these are so special...

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