Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Workin' on the yard....

So Pete has definitely made my gardening plans kick off. A couple weeks ago, he built me this bed on the left of the walk to house the 140 daffodils I got (at Walmart for $3 total in January!), the strawberry plants given to me by a friend (thanks Reg!) and some plants I traded a few strawberry plants for (chives, sage, comfrey, oregano, sedum). That's the top picture.

I'm relocating a few hostas that remain in the bed on the right (top pic), my proclaimed "veggie garden" next to the house (it's the only place that gets enough sun....we're blessed with so many trees in the backyard that veggies wouldn't grow well), to beneath two big spruce trees in the second picture. We also transplanted a volunteer maple today that was growing vigorously up between an arborvitae hedge. It was growing out of the hedge at a 30* angle or so but we were able to plant it upright. I'm hoping it survives the transplant (you don't get a sapling out of a hedge without an argument). You can see it in the second pic if you enlarge the picture (click on it) and look in the top left. Yeah, the tree isn't big, but it's probably still a 3-4 year old sapling! Okay, have to give Pete his kudos! He was in the yard digging and transplanting and sawing and hacking and yanking and hauling logs all day today! Lurve

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