Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Dinner with the boys

Nana and Papa came over for dinner one evening when Gabe is about 1 1/2 mo old. It's so amazing having the support network of Mom and Dad close by. Mom will come over and I get a chance to wash up the dishes and sweep the floor, previously taken-for-granted tasks. Dad took Austin out last week for their first "date" and while I got a moment to gush on Gabe, Austin was getting his tank filled with some one on one with Papa. Dad said he had his hand on his knee the whole time and would periodically lean over for a snuggle on his arm. :) proud mama.

I've been thinking recently that when we have kids we have hopes and goals for them, and how often it seems like they develop their own hopes and goals about who they want to become. But maybe they don't have to be mutually exclusive. My hope in raising my sons is that I can give them the tools to work with who they are, to show them how to find contentment and peace in life, and to grow compassionate and kind men. I couldn't care less if they become the next president.

It's fun too to watch things unfold. When kids are so tiny you just work with day to day and what is and wait for their little being to find out what they like, who they are, etc. Watching Austin cracks me up and makes me smile. He's SUCH a host. He'll invite people in, show them where their food is, make sure everyone has food to eat and offer drinks. He'll even give you some of his favorites (a chunk of brownie that's almost his last or a piece of his bread with butter and jam) just for the pleasure of sharing with you. He's concerned when Gabe is upset and crying and makes sure I pick him up. He patiently waits for Gabe to calm down in the evening after the lights have turned out. Lately he's been able to pee on his own standing up and learned the all-important task of shaking. So, I'll be around the corner and hear quiet from the bathroom and then a tiny, high-pitched voice say to himself, as if a reminder, "ake, ake, ake" and then purposefully pull his pants up...the same pants he's been wearing now for a week...hehe.

I was thinking as I was opening the few Christmas cards this year how fun it is to see a picture of the whole family, not just the kids, since often I'm friends with the parents. So I do resolve to try and get more shots with Pete and I in them. However, our world revolves around our growing boys right now so that tends to be the stories I'll tell.

Off to dig for more pics...

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