Friday, October 23, 2009

A circus

Austin and I used to religiously take the dogs for walks each morning, he on my back, poop bags in my pocket and 2 excited dogs. With pregnancy and then Gabe's birth, it's been a LONG time since we'd been able to do it but one morning Austin asked to ride on my back and take the dogs for a walk.

Gabe was fast asleep in the wrap so I finaggled Austin into the Ergo backpack, got leashes on the dogs and Pete came home just as we headed off (to get this pic). Oh was a circus...Austin lost it on the way to the sidewalk asking to get down and ride his balance bike (riiiiight) and we decided to walk the 1/2 block to the stop sign and back. 20 minutes later we finally got home after my three ring circus of Gabe on my tummy, Austin weighing 35lb on my back (holy cow) and a joyful and exuberant dog in each hand that hadn't been walked for months...and the neighbor's dogs freaking out at us passing by their fence line (bang head against the desk), dog poop I couldn't clean up...

Sooooo, we haven't gone for a walk since then either *sigh* The dogs are such good sports.

1 comment:

Tasha and Chuck said...

Ging, I think you need to take the dogs for a walk Alaskan style. get a sled with wheels! Rockstar would and Lily pad would love to pull the 3 of you! it would be classic and you'd probly make the front page of the local paper! "This is how a real Hippy momma walks her kids"