Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ooh, Fall is here!

I love living in MI where we get all four seasons. That was something I forgot about living in Alaska that fall can last for longer than 1 week. I had no idea different maples lost their leaves at different times, or some dry up and drop off and some cover the ground in this soft, lush carpet of gold. It lasts long enough here that you really feel geared up and excited for winter to come. Well, snow maybe....I'm not particularly jazzed about the wind, but, whatever.

It was brought to my attention that I forget to include much else besides my Austin musings here so I'm going to try and include more. I've considered this sort of his pseudo-baby-book which is I guess why I've focused so wholly on that. Plus, being with him all day is awesome and it means that my world is totally focused and revolving around his milestones, discoveries, etc which I enjoy. So, I'll try and be more inclusive in "family" updates :)

Pete's been working at the Detroit Pub as their Kitchen Guru for about a month now I think? He was hired to be the Kitchen Manager at their new location going up soon and we're all excited about that. In the mean time, we were fortunate that they had a vacancy at their downtown location shortly after Pete was hired but waiting for the new one to open (ack!) so he's been commuting downtown everyday...almost 60 miles round trip! Although now that I think about it, that was my commute from Moose Pass to Seward, but the scenery was quite different :) At any rate, he's looking forward to and anxiously awaiting the official opening. With so many job layoffs in the Detroit area we're both grateful he has a job with potential exciting possibilities of expansion.

We're leaving on Friday to fly to WY for my cousin, Ray's, wedding. It's exciting because we'll get to see all of Dad's family and it's the first family "reunion" my immediate family has ever had (Jus and fam are flying in from Louisiana) away from either house. I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone again on Dad's side too. We didn't have much contact growing up and it's nice to be able to touch base periodically. Pete stopped by Grandma's house for a green smoothie on his way to Utah this summer. He sent me to spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa several years ago which was awesome.

Oh, Austin is waking up. Hope to post more later.

1 comment:

Tasha and Chuck said...

ahhh Ging, i love it, its so great to hear about how you all are doing. i am very happy for you. you seem very at peace with life right now and being a mommy! good for you! and next time you ever forget what winter is like; i will be more then happy to send you some of our "fall ice"!