Sunday, October 5, 2008

A moment...

There is something interesting that happens after you spend a solid 16 months totally dedicated and consumed by this tiny being for whom you are everything. You have been their source of nourishment, attachment, entertainment, security and they have been the source of your life completely changing. You can't wash the dishes, feed the dogs or pee by yourself, and you get used to it. It becomes the norm to plan your day around naptimes and nutrition, around little games and discoveries that your role is to be there supporting their major epiphany that THIS wheel spins TOO!

Then one day you turn around and look and there he is...playing by himself...without any prompting, assistance or interpretation from you. Your sound effects aren't needed to make the moment interesting. Your imagination is unnecessary to bring something to life. While this sounds so "Duh....congrats there Socrates..." it's actually such an introspective moment in time. It's a moment when you're suddenly not needed, and it's awesome and curious at the same time...

...and then 60 seconds later it's over and your skills in wheel-spinning are requested and "reality" returns...

It's amazing how each step and moment prepares you for the coming ones. If pregnancy only lasted a month or if toddlerhood lasted a few weeks it would be quite a different experience. So for now, I'm content to interpret tiny hands and a small (or loud) be the chase vehicle for adventures on the rolling be the 23.5/7....because soon enough this moment will pass too....and we'll be onto the next important discovery...

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