Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Maiden voyage of the jacket

So, I own a motorcycle riding jacket, but I'm pretty sure I could never have guessed this would be how it would get broken in! We have an enormous maple in our front yard that looks like a tree from the black swamp with all of the dead trunks/branches on it, so today Pete went nutty on the tree. He sawed until his arms were jello, and then he sawed some more. Austin woke up in time for me to finish off the trunk....nice timing, huh :)

So, as I am handed the running chainsaw it occurs to me that chainsawing in a skirt and flipflops, though light and airy, would be STUPID! I realize that chainsaws are designed to maneuver through wood, certainly nothing a pair of jeans is going to stop, but my bright idea was to bust out the motorcycle jacket with kevlar (or whatever) plates going around some parts I'm partial to (arms, chest, etc) and the helmet would certainly be a deterrent should my face and the chainsaw meet in some horrible kickback scene...(ummm, yes, I am my father's daughter, in case that last sentence caused you to ponder the similarities Snicker ).

So, in the absence of the wonderful safety equipment encouraged by the university this was my best makeshift protection.

And Pete laughed....

And then went to get the camera thinking some of you might laugh too ;)

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