Saturday, September 22, 2007

Family comes to visit.

Uncle Nick and Nana Aegli and Grandma Katie came to visit recently and we had such a great time! Pete and Nick got to drive the RV to Indiana to have some work done on it then ride back up - Pete on the Bumble Bee, UN on his brand new BMW GS he picked up while here...

Aegli and Austin and I did a little shopping to prepare Austin for winter, and they played "Pop, goes the weasel" in the back seat with a toy Sandee got us for Xmas. For the last week since they left, every time I say "Pop, goes the weasel" Austin tilts his little head around looking confused, looks around like Nana Aegli is supposed to be there, realizes it's just me and smiles.

Grandma Katie came to see Austin and meet UN and Aegli. Everyone was there for a DELICIOUS birthday dinner for Jonny's 21st. We had farmer's market corn, some cut of beef that Pete ordered special and just disolved in your mouth. It was a completely wonderful time! How great that we have such a fantastic family! Roasted is such a great reason to gather. Oh, and we opened the final bottle of wine we'd saved from the Redwoods for the occasion.

Katie found lots of board books too! I was starting to get burned out on "Things that Go!" My girly one-sound-fits-all sound effects are put to shame by the boys :) Apparently "cha-cha-cha-cha-cha" as a helicopter sound effect is not used to have the same problem trying to imitate Tim the-tool-man Taylor from Home Improvement...somehow my sound effect never conjured up "tough and manly" as a visual.

So now we have board books with sparkles, dingly animals on top, holes to peek through, books that float in the bathtub, books with fur...lots of fun books! Yay! It was fun having everyone here too now that Austin is more interactive.

It's so neat to go from a place where your friends are your family to having a caring family that is close enough to see and comes to see you! Thank you for coming to visit UN, Aegli and Mom Katie! It means so much!

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