Friday, April 3, 2009

Power Washing Magic

Pete's been BUSY! Dad left the power washer here with us for all the tree shenanigans and Pete's taken advantage of it by washing the deck and Austin's playset! We couldn't believe the shades the deck came up. Both of us had kind of written the deck off as old and nasty. It would get all slimy and we couldn't go on it because Austin would fall down. But holy cow!! Check it the color change!

Root Attack!

Pete, Dad, Reg and I finished root pruning the beast and then Pete went to town power washing the roots off a few days ago. Then, Pete and Dad attacked the outermost part of the root ball with axes since it's so thick and matted.

A sunny day ride

Pete and Austin went for their first bike ride the other day in the sunshine. Here they are, ready to go explore the world.

And, here they return, Austin so tired he can hardly stay awake...his little hand looped in Pete's carpenter pant loop...walking home with Dad.

Major milestones and a reflection

I am sitting at the computer, for the first time in WEEKS, while Austin is asleep, during the day, upstairs in his own bed, after having fallen asleep, without nursing. ::carrot :faint:

I feel Austin is officially weaned, and shock and amazement we found a way that works for us without more tears and sad stories....really a big deal to me who has to deal with the inconsolable screaming kid. About 2x/wk he'll hurt himself or be overtired and ask to nurse but then be scatterbrained and overwhelmed and grab a motorcycle, then fling himself on the floor, then eat something, then, nursing is just another straw to grasp at without much conviction.

So, naps, where nurse-to-bed has been tradition for almost 2 years, have had to take place in the car which is great for knitting, but bad for bill-paying or anything else that can't be done silently in a parked car, so today is momentous. I feel satisfied that I was able to nurse him until 23 months and excited to start the next chapter with a whole summer to prepare for wee bean #2.

When I began nursing I was only exposed to the idea that nursing to 12 months is champion nurser and kind of the "now it's gross" age and the kid is fine. I then learned that my Mom had nursed longer and was encouraged to find out more info. I found out more information on what's in breast milk, how it changes over time, the benefits for kids, the AAP recommendation to nurse to at least 12 months and longer as long as mother and child are happy, the World Health Organization recommendation to nurse to 2 and longer if the child and mother are happy with the relationship. This was such a new and odd world to me. So 12 months came and went, and 18 months came and went and Austin seemed to benefit in so many ways and made my life easier so we continued. Then I became pregnant and was stressed out about how to work out the whole nursing relationship. But, to my relief, we're moving on to the next phase! Peacefully!

My boy is growing into a bigger, stronger, more confident little guy by the day and I'm so excited for me and proud of him. Just had to share :)